Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fragrance Faux You

Good morning and welcome to our blog and online store Fragrance Faux You. All of our products are earth friendly and natural. Unfortunately, we will be closing our research and development on our fuel saving products. Since the price of gas has dropped dramatically we see no future at this time to capture flatulence gas from individuals and converting it to a fuel source. Ronbert is still overloaded with it but we will have to let him release his by-products into the air. I do worry about the possible pollution he may be inflicting on our ecosystem but then again all of his gas passing is natural and hopefully earth friendly. I'm sure he is not the only one who produces large amounts of excess odorous fumes. I'm teary eyed right now as he sits behind me releasing his essence.

We (mostly me) (actually just me) are still working on our wondrous perfumes and fragrances. All of our products are earth friendly and natural. Our holiday line should be hitting the market very soon. I am so excited about our new products. Just a little hint of a new fragrance -pond turtle sludge and gator gunk.

We will keep you posted on our new line of all natural earth friendly holiday gifts. I have posted my first and only photographic image of gas as it leaves the large intestines and rolls into our air space with noxious odors. The image is much nicer than the smell. This is a technique that I have invented for capturing that classic moment.

Have a bless day,

Aine & Ronbert

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