Monday, May 10, 2010

Fragrance Faux You

Good morning and welcome to our blog and on line store Fragrance Faux You. I am sorry it has been so long since an update, special or just a friendly chat. Our business is doing quite well despite the state of the economy and other issues.
We have added a new line to our fragrances and it is hand tumbled and hand wrapped jewelry. I understand that jewelry has really nothing to do with fragrances but eventually the jewelry will need its very own website and marketing company. This venture is just in its infancy. We are hoping that it does as well or 'more better' than the fragrances.
Our newest fragrance is 'eau de oil'. Since we live in Florida capturing this smell - I mean fragrance is quite simple. One only needs to step outside - take a deep inhale - and there you have the smell I mean odor - I mean fragrance.
There is talk about burning the oil and that of course will produce an entirely new smell - I mean fragrance. As yet that scenario has not happened.
We have also decided to create an oil slick body butter. Our plan is to go to our once pristine white sandy beaches and collect said pollutants - I mean products to sell and market. We will call it BP body butter and it will clog your pores and seep into your system. Wait that doesn't sound too good. We will have to think up a new marketing strategy.
More breaking news - ----- - today is Ronbert's birthday and we are celebrating. Today and today only we are offering a two for one sale with free shipping. Please help celebrate Ronbert's special day. Donations of the green stuff is always appreciated and always a welcome handout. We unlike the failing banks have not been given a safety net in this down turn economy. We also do not charge outrageous prices and sell to those that cannot afford our products.
Thank you all for your loyalty and support. And wish Ronbert a Happy Birthday.

Aine and Ronbert