Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fragrance Faux You

Hello and a warm welcome to our blog and online store Fragrance Faux You. I do apologize for the lack of news being posted. You know how stit happens. Well there seems to be a lot of that running around our household.
Ronbert and I have been working fermently on our gas additive. Now, that the price of gas has gone done it has sent a little glitch in our operation. We are still trying to produce a fuel using excess personal gas. Ronbert has so much of it, LOL, we (I) thought it would be a good use of energy. The best part of our operation is our product is earth friendly and all natural.
Recently we became juicers. My thoughts were the liquid juice diet would produce more flaming fumes. Unfortunately it didn't quite exceed or even meet my expectations. Ronbert has disabled the loo way too many times with little gas involved. So we may have to write off the juicer experiment.
We are also in the process of starting a community effort to help reduce gas prices buy collecting personal expulsions. Some of the neighbors have completely closed the doors in our faces. They think we are looking for 15 minutes of fame. I am not Joe the Plumber. Although it that line of work there must be lots of excess gases floating around.
Please be patient as we hurriedly try to produce new all natural and earth friendly products for you are very loyal customers.

Have a bless day,

Aine and Ronbert

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