Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fragrance Faux You

Welcome to our blog and online store - Fragrance Faux You. I do apologize for the absence but it was necessary. Ronbert and I have been traveling the world in search of new fragrances for our all natural earth friendly products. Well, actually not traveling the whole world - just the United States. Well not exactly all the states just Florida. With the price of gas we took out a second mortgage on the house (not a good choice) to pay for the gas for our excursions. Now that we have finished our quest for new all natural earth friendly products and owe a huge mortgage payment the price of gas has dropped.

That's life in our world. And after all of the extensive traveling we found wonderful fragrances right in our own backyard. Well, not exactly the backyard - right inside our home. The essence of dog, mildew in the bathroom, rotten fruit in the fridge (power went out) and garbage disposal backup. So we are back in our R&D lab (garage) working fervently on these new all natural earth friendly fragrances. We do this for you our loyal customers.
With all the plant closing and layoffs around us we are rethinking our finances. I may have to give Ronbert the pink slip. It is I who do most of the work anyways so it is something to consider. Perhaps we will get a government bailout to increase our business. I feel we are adding important stocks to the world especially since all of our products are earth friendly and natural - no lead - no chemicals and made in the USA by Americans.

Ronbert and I wish all of our faithful customers a bless day and even those of you that are not our customers - yet.

Aine & Ronbert

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