Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fragrance Faux You

Welcome to our blog and online store. Ronbert and I have been working really, really hard on our energy saving product. Ronbert was ripping them off last night one after the other. We attended a fourth of July picnic and something did not agree with him. I worked for hours trying to capture the aroma. I have a gas mask that I use.

We want to capture flatulence and turn it into fuel for our vehicles. We love working together as a team 24/7. I now have this huge container of excess smelly puffs of air, mostly Ronbert's, actually it is all of Ronbert's. He's full of it, always has been and with this we will change the world.
We will make gas affordable for all. When we have this technique down we will resume our fragrance line but right now we are so busy trying to be green and saving the world - we have little time for other projects. All of our products are all natural and earth friendly. We believe in saving the world -one fart at a time.

Have a bless day,

Aine & Ronbert

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