Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fragrance Faux You

Welcome to our Blog and online store Fragrance Faux You. I do apologize for being away from the blog for an extended period of time. Ronbert and I are on the cutting edge of introducing an amazing product. We have been working extremely hard on this new earth friendly all natural product.
It started when the price of gas went out of control and has touched every one's lives. We decided right then and there that WE must do something to combat this incredible wrong. We all need gas for our vehicles but the prices are hurting every person in the United States. So we have stepped up our effort to save this planet one fragrance at a time.

We have put off creating new fragrances for all of our customers in lieu of saving the earth and reducing oil prices. I believe if we pull this off our reward will be astronomical. Hopefully we can patent this and also be rolling in the greens. But first we feel we need to do our part in saving the earth. We feel that everyone can contribute to this venture and come out smelling like a rose.

Here's our plan:
We have this commodity and it's FREE, we just have to figure out how to contain it and reuse the product. It's methane gas. You know that foul smelling stuff that ejects from our bodies quite often. Well, with Ronbert and I it's very powerful and plentiful after consuming seafood. We found that out recently while camping in a confined space. We have been working on capturing this precious gas and converting it to fuel to power a vehicle. This is still in the researching phase but we have high hopes. No more $5.00 a gallon for us.

So we have placed the fragrance line on hold while we work on our 'Save the Earth One Fart At A Time Project'. If this dream comes to fruition we all will benefit.

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